Saturday, October 20, 2007

I support the Reform Treaty

Not only do I support it, I hope it is ratified through the Parliamentary mechanism after extensive debate and line by line scrutiny, which is in accordance with the UK parliamentary tradition that the Tories are trying to overthrow.

I must say that in this regard I disagree with the handfull of euro-sceptic Labour MP's wanting a referendum. There should only be a referendum when we are choosing to go into something like the euro, or creating radically new arrangements or institutions (e.g. devolved Parliaments) or where the governing party is hopelessly divided like Wilson's Labour government in the early 1970's.

Although there's a lot of bluster from the Tories I think they are making a big mistake putting so much effort into being anti-European and think they'll suffer from it in the longer run.

And an excellent article on why we should support the Reform Treaty from some time back in the Guardian.


  1. Anonymous12:45 am

    David Cameron Is Pro Europe, Parliament for the last 50 yrs hasd been mostly a lib lab con trick. Shoe horning us into the EUSoviet.

    What is happening now in Europe is very similr to events in the 30's.

  2. Dear anonymous,

    No he isn't and you rather make my point for me.

    PS Government in the UK has been mostly Tory over the last 50 years apart from the last 10 years we have only had one Labour Government whilst in the EU and that was the one that had the referendum or the 'neverendum' as I believe it is also known.
